9 research outputs found

    Modelaci贸n del crecimiento de pollitas Lohmann LSL con redes neuronales y modelos de regresi贸n no lineal

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    Objetivo. Modelar la curva del crecimiento de aves de la l铆nea Lohmann LSL utilizando modelos no lineales (MNL), no lineales mixtos (MNLM) y redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Materiales y m茅todos. Peri贸dicamente se pesaron 33 aves en promedio, desde el d铆a 21 al 196 de vida para un total de 558 registros individuales de peso. En el ajuste de la curva de crecimiento se utilizaron los modelos: no lineal de Von Bertalanffy (MNL), no lineal Mixto de Von Bertalanffy (MNLM) y redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Los modelos se compararon con coeficiente de correlaci贸n y medidas de presicion cuadrado medio del error (CME), desviaci贸n media absoluta (MAD) y porcentaje de la media absoluta del error (MAPE). Resultados. Los valores de correlaci贸n entre los datos reales y estimados, fueron 0.999, 0.990 y 0.986 para MNLM, RNA y MNL respectivamente. El modelo m谩s preciso con base en los criterios MAPE, MAD y CME fue el MNLM, seguido por la RNA. La grafica de predicci贸n generada la RNA es similar a la del MNLM. La RNA present贸 un desempe帽o superior al MLN. Conclusiones. El mejor modelo para la predicci贸n de curvas de crecimiento de aves comerciales de la l铆nea Lohmman LSL hasta los 196 d铆as de edad, con m煤ltiples mediciones por animal en el tiempo, fue el MNLM. La RNA presento un desempe帽o superior al MNL

    Caracterizaci贸n de sistemas de producci贸n av铆cola de huevo mediante la implementaci贸n de modelos de predicci贸n y clasificaci贸n

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    RESUMEN: Este estudio pretendi贸 caracterizar y modelar las fases de crecimiento y producci贸n de aves productoras de huevo comercial, por medio de la toma de informaci贸n, medici贸n, an谩lisis de variables productivas y generaci贸n de modelos de predicci贸n. Como resultados se presenta la evaluaci贸n de la capacidad para ajustar la curva de crecimiento de los modelos no lineales mixtos Von Bertalanffy, Richards, Gompertz, Brody, y Log铆stico. Como resultado, el modelo no lineal mixto que mejor ajust贸 la curva de crecimiento fue el de Gompertz, seguido por Richards y Von Bertalanffy. Para la modelaci贸n de la curva del crecimiento de aves de la l铆nea Lohmann LSL en el cap铆tulo 2, se compararon los modelos no lineal Von Bertalanffy (MNL), no lineal mixto Von Bertalanffy (MNLM) y redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Se encontr贸 que el modelo m谩s preciso fue el MNLM, seguido por la RNA y en 煤ltimo lugar el MNL. Se帽alando a las RNA como alternativa en la modelaci贸n del crecimiento. Para el ajuste de la curva de producci贸n de huevos se utilizaron los modelos Adams-Bell, Lokhorst y de distribuci贸n con retardo (Delay). Los modelos Delay y Lokhorst presentaron el mejor ajuste, siendo los m谩s eficientes para predecir la curva de las estirpes probadas. Continuando con la definici贸n del modelo para la curva de producci贸n de huevos en el cap铆tulo 4 se compararon el modelo perceptr贸n multicapa (redes neuronales artificiales (RNA)) y el modelo Lokhorst. Ambos modelos proporcionaron ajustes adecuados para la curva de producci贸n, aunque por la facilidad de configuraci贸n y de ajuste se recomend贸 el uso de las RNA. En contraste a los modelos mencionados se utilizaron las redes neuronales recurrentes de Elman y Jordan, y el perceptr贸n multicapa (MLP) para construir un modelo de predicci贸n de la curva de producci贸n.ABSTRACT: This project pretended to characterize and model the growth and production phases of commercial laying hens, by gathering information, measuring and analyzing productive variables and creating prediction models. This final thesis document presents the results of the research process and is comprised of an introduction where concepts alluding to the problem that motivated the development of the research are discussed. Next the reader will encounter the theoretical framework with information on the commercial egg production system in Colombia, production parameters of the genetic strains, and modeling concepts and their use in poultry, along with the definition of the functionality and structure of a support system for decision making culminating with the specification of neural networks emphasising on their morphology and use in modeling. In Chapter 1 the evaluation on the adjustment capacity presents assessing the ability to adjust the curve of growth of nonlinear mixed models: Von Bertalanffy, Richards, Gompertz, Brody and Logistic. As a result, the mixed nonlinear model that best fitted the growth curve was Gompertz model, followed by Richards and Von Bertalanffy. In Chapter 2, the non linear model Von Bertalanffy (MNL), non linear mixed model Von Bertalanffy (MNLM) and the artificial neural networks (ANN) were compared for the modeling of the growth curve of hens from the Lohmann LSL line. The most precise model was the MNLM, followed by the ANN and in last place the MNL. This shows ANN as an alternative in growth modeling. In Chapter 3, in order to model the egg production curve, the models Adams-Bell, Lokhorst and delay distribution (Delay) were used. The Delay and Lokhorst models presented the best fit, being the most efficient in the prediction of the curve of the strains tested. Continuing on with the model definition for the egg production curve in Chapter 4 the multilayer perceptron (artificial neural networks (ANN)) and the Lokhorst models were compared. Both models provide adequate fits for the production curve, although due to the ease of configuration and adjustment, the ANN is recommended. In the second part of this chapter the recurrent neural networks of Elman and Jordan and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) were used to build a prediction model of the production curve. It was possible to obtain a functional model that predicts the daily egg production, but it needs to include more variables to adjust the variability presented in the yield curve. In the fifth chapter the theoretical and practical concepts of modeling of the previous four chapters are incorporated to give life to the software tool called "Information Management System For Poultry Farms", as a support system to farmers to facilitate and expedite the collection, storage, processing and analysis of information, and also serves as a management support decision making in real time

    Predicci贸n por redes neuronales artificiales del peso corporal de Capra hircus en crianza semiextensiva

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    Objetivo del presente trabajo fue predecir por redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) el peso corporal de caprinos en crianza semiextensiva. Se utiliz贸 40 caprinos criollos mejorados desde el nacimiento hasta las seis semanas de edad. El 80% de la data fue utilizada para entrenar la red y el 20 % para validarla. El tipo de RNA usada fue del tipo feedforward (FF), con algoritmo de entrenamiento Backpropagation (BP) y ajuste de pesos Levenberg鈥揗arquardt (LM), topolog铆a que presento el mejor resultado: 3 entradas, seis salidas lineales (purelin), capa oculta con 42 neuronas, tasa de aprendizaje de 0,01, coeficiente de momento de 0,5, meta del error de 0,0001 y 100 etapas de entrenamiento. Comparativamente el error porcentual promedio de los valores predichos por la RNA fue de 7,51 y por la regresi贸n m煤ltiple de 7,80 no existiendo diferencia significativa entre ambos (p > 0,05). As铆 mismo, el porcentaje de aciertos de la RNA fue de 50% y de la regresi贸n m煤ltiple de 50%, mostrando en ambos casos un rendimiento similar

    Modelaci贸n de curvas de puesta de los tres 煤ltimos a帽os en gallinas White Leghorn en la provincia Ciego de 脕vila.

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    Se utilizaron 15 976 registros de producci贸n de huevos, correspondientes a tres crianzas del 2016 en la provincia Ciego de 脕vila. Se caracteriz贸 la curva de puesta en condiciones similares a las propuestas por IIA (2013) en la Rep煤blica de Cuba.聽 Se muestra la estimaci贸n de las curvas de puesta realizadas con聽 las producciones medias corres-pondientes a tres etapas de 12 meses. Se aplicaron cuatro modelos matem谩ticos para el ajuste a dicha curva: Mc N a-lly, Wood, Cuadr谩tica logar铆tmica y lineal hiperb贸lica. Para la validaci贸n se tomaron diferentes criterios estad铆 sticos: coeficiente de determinaci贸n (R2), (R2 A), adem谩s del an谩lisis de los residuos entre otros. Para cada per铆odo se o b-tuvo la media, desviaci贸n est谩ndar DE, error est谩ndar (EE) y coeficiente de variaci贸n (CV). La producci贸n de huevos alcanz贸 valores entre 84,35 y 60,61 % de puesta y el mejor a帽o fue el 2016, mientras que los valores m谩s altos de EE y CV correspondieron al final del periodo de producci贸n, como era de esperar. La bondad de ajuste y discriminaci贸n entre los modelos utilizados demostraron un alto criterio de ajuste en los cuatro modelos, pero el mejor fue聽 Mc Nally (1971) con R2 de 99,60 %, los R2 ajustados con 99,42 %. La expresi贸n Mc Nally, alcanz贸 los valores m谩s altos de ajuste YM=-2233,62-18583,8*(MES/426)-029,0*(MES/426**2+780,241*log(426/MES)-68,1269*(log(426/MES))*2 y describe mejor la producci贸n huevo de gallinas White Leghorn L33 en las condiciones de Ciego de 脕vila.Laying Curve Model of White Leghorn Hens in the Last Three Years in the Province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba.ABSTRACTA number of 15 976 egg production records from three hen batches in Ciego de Avila (2016) were used. The laying curve was characterized in similar conditions to IIA (2013), Republic of Cuba. E stimation of the laying curves made to mean productions from three stages in a year, was presented. Four mathematical models were applied for curve adjustment: McNally, Wood, quadratic logarithmic, and linear hyperbolic. Different statistical criteria were used for validation: determination coefficient (R2), (R2A), as well as residue analysis and others. Mean, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), and variation coefficient (VC) were achieved for each period. Egg production accounted for 84.35 and 60.61% of total laying, 2016 was the best year. The highest values of SE and VC were observed at the end of production, as expected. Adjustment and discrimination showed a high adjustment criterion in the four models, but the best values were observed with McNally (1971), in R2 (99.60%), and adjusted R2 (99.42%). McNally reached the highest adjustment values: YM=-2233.62-18583.8* (MONTH/426)-029.0*(MONTH/426**2+780.241*log (426/MONTH)-68.1269*(log聽 (426/MONTH))*2, and it described the best production of White Leghorn L33 hens in Ciego de Avil

    A Model to Estimate the Laying Curve of White Leghorn Hens in the Last Three Years in the Province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba

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    A number of 15 976 egg production records from three hen batches in Ciego de Avila (2016) were used. The laying curve was characterized in similar conditions to IIA (2013), Republic of Cuba. The estimation of the laying curves made of mean productions from three stages in a year was presented. Four mathematical models were applied for curve adjustment: McNally, Wood, quadratic logarithmic, and linear hyperbolic. Different statistical criteria were used for validation: determination coefficient (R2), (R2A), residual analysis, and others. The means, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), and variation coefficient (VC) were made for each period. Egg production accounted for 84.35 and 60.61% of total laying, the best year was 2016. The highest values of SE and VC were observed at the end of production, as expected. Adjustment and discrimination showed a high adjustment criterion in the four models, but the best values were observed with McNally (1971), in R2 (99.60%), and adjusted R2 (99.42%). McNally reached the highest adjustment values: YM=-2233.62-18583.8*(MONTH/426)-029.0*(MONTH/426**2+780.241*log (426/MONTH)-68.1269*(log(426/MONTH))*2, and it described the best production of White Leghorn (L33) hens in Ciego de Avila

    Uso de modelos no lineales para el crecimiento, desarrollo y postura de gallinas White Leghorn L33 con relaci贸n a indicadores econ贸micos

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    Se determinaron los factores zoot茅cnicos que establecieron los principales indicadores bioecon贸micos del comportamiento del ciclo productivo comercial de las gallinas White Leghorn L33 en la provincia de Ciego de 脕vila, Cuba. Se analizaron 55 ciclos durante los a帽os 2002 a 2014 y 18 ciclos de 2014 a 2016 para la validaci贸n de los modelos matem谩ticos. Se utilizaron estad铆stica descriptiva, modelos mixtos generalizados (GLIMMIX) y modelado con cinco funciones. Se utiliz贸 el programa SAS 9.3. Los ciclos productivos se caracterizaron por su aproximaci贸n al est谩ndar establecido para esta raza y l铆nea en Cuba. La puesta fue de 293 huevos / ave, con conversi贸n de 1,40聽kg de pienso / 10 huevos y el costo del huevo de 0,36 CUP. Las naves de inicio y el a帽o influyeron en el peso vivo, largo de tarso, uniformidad y ganancia diaria hasta 175 d铆as. La granja influy贸 en la edad a la madurez sexual, la conversi贸n, la producci贸n de huevo, el costo del huevo y el ingreso neto; mientras que la nave de inicio, dentro de cada finca, y los a帽os influyeron significativamente en la mayor铆a de los indicadores biol贸gicos. Se encontraron efectos bajos, pero significativos de la acci贸n integrada de las variables clim谩ticas en los indicadores bioecon贸micos. Los modelos de Gompertz para el crecimiento y Mc Nally para la puesta demostraron ser los mejores predictores del comportamiento productivo que, junto con el uso de GLIMMIX, permitir谩 criterios adecuados para una mejor toma de decisiones con el fin de aumentar la producci贸n de huevos.AbstractThe Zootechnical Factors established by the main bioeconomic behavior indicators were determined for the productive-commercial cycle of L-33 White Leghorn hens in the province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba. A number of 55 cycles were analyzed for validation of mathematical models between 2002 and 2014; along with other 18 cycles, between 2014 and 2016. Descriptive statistics, generalized mixed models (GLIMMIX), and modeling with five functions were used, along with SAS 9.3. The productive cycles were similar to the standard set up for the Cuban breed and line. Laying accounted for 293 eggs/poultry, with a conversion of 1.40 feed kg/10 eggs, and a cost of $ 0.36 CUP an egg. The starting houses and the year had effects on live weight, tarsus length, uniformity, and daily weight gain up to 175 days. Sexual maturity, conversion, egg production, egg cost, and net income were influenced by the farm, whereas each farm麓s starting house and the years, had negative effects on most biological indicators. Low, but significant effects of combined action of climate variables were observed in the bioeconomic indicators. The Gompertz models for growth, and MacNally for laying, were the best predicting tools for production. Along with GLIMMIX, they will contribute with suitable criteria for better decision making to increase egg production

    Non-Linear Models for Growth, Development, and Posture of L-33 White Leghorn Hens, according to Economic Indicators

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    The Zootechnical Factors established by the main indicators of bioeconomic behavior were determined for the pro-ductive-commercial cycle of L-33 White Leghorn hens in the province of Ciego de 脕vila, Cuba. A number of 55 cycles were analyzed for validation of mathematical models between 2002 and 2014; other 18 cycles were studied between 2014 and 2016. Descriptive statistics, generalized mixed models (GLIMMIX), and five-function modelling were used. SAS 9.3 for Windows was also used. The productive cycles were similar to the standard set up for the breed and line in Cuba. Laying was 293 eggs/poultry, with a conversion of 1.40 feed kg/10 eggs, and a cost of $ 0.36 CUP an egg. The starting sheds and year had effects on live weight, tarsus length, uniformity, and daily weight gain up to 175 days. Sexual maturity, conversion, egg production, egg cost, and net income were influenced by farm, whereas each farm麓s starting shed and the years, had negative effects on most biological indicators. Low, but significant effects of combined climate variables were observed in the bioeconomic indicators. The Gompertz麓s model for growth, and Mc Nally麓s for laying, were the best predicting tools for production. Along with GLIMMIX, they will contribute with suitable criteria for better decision making to increase egg production

    Modelaci贸n del crecimiento de pollitas Lohmann LSL con redes neuronales y modelos de regresi贸n no lineal

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    Objetivo. Modelar la curva del crecimiento de aves de la l铆nea Lohmann LSL utilizando modelos no lineales (MNL), no lineales mixtos (MNLM) y redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Materiales y m茅todos. Peri贸dicamente se pesaron 33 aves en promedio, desde el d铆a 21 al 196 de vida para un total de 558 registros individuales de peso. En el ajuste de la curva de crecimiento se utilizaron los modelos: no lineal de Von Bertalanffy (MNL), no lineal Mixto de Von Bertalanffy (MNLM) y redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Los modelos se compararon con coeficiente de correlaci贸n y medidas de presicion cuadrado medio del error (CME), desviaci贸n media absoluta (MAD) y porcentaje de la media absoluta del error (MAPE). Resultados. Los valores de correlaci贸n entre los datos reales y estimados, fueron 0.999, 0.990 y 0.986 para MNLM, RNA y MNL respectivamente. El modelo m谩s preciso con base en los criterios MAPE, MAD y CME fue el MNLM, seguido por la RNA. La grafica de predicci贸n generada la RNA es similar a la del MNLM. La RNA present贸 un desempe帽o superior al MLN. Conclusiones. El mejor modelo para la predicci贸n de curvas de crecimiento de aves comerciales de la l铆nea Lohmman LSL hasta los 196 d铆as de edad, con m煤ltiples mediciones por animal en el tiempo, fue el MNLM. La RNA presento un desempe帽o superior al MNL.Objective. Modeling the pullet growth curve of the Lohmann LSL line, by using nonlinear model (MNL), nonlinear mixed model (MNLM) and artificial neural networks (ANN). Materials and methods. An average of 33 birds, were weighed from day 21 to 196 of life for 558 individual weight records. To adjust the growth curve the following models were used: nonlinear Von Bertalanffy (MNL), nonlinear mixed Von Bertalanffy (MNLM) and artificial neural networks (RNA). The models were compared with a correlation coefficient and precision measurements: mean square error (MSE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Results. Correlation values, between actual and estimated data, were 0.999, 0.990 and 0.986 for MNLM, RNA and MNL respectively. The most accurate model based on the MAPE, MAD and CME criteria was MNLM followed by RNA. The prediction graph for RNA was similar to MNLM. The RNA performance was higher than MLN. Conclusions. The best model for the prediction of growth curves of commercial Lohmman LSL birds to 196 days of age, was the MNLM, with multiple measurements per animal at the time. RNA performance was higher MLN